Sunday, November 30, 2008

Oh no

I just spent half an hour doing this post and somehow when I went to edit it all the typing I did disappeared. It didn't show up until after I posted it, so sorry I will try to quickly tell you what all this is.
Halloween...Lindsay was an 80's rocker and Brooke was a dead prom queen. We had no kids at home, so Dave and I and Knopps rented scary movies and had junk food. It was weird not having to take kids out trick or treating.
The last pictures are of Jakes birthday. We went to the movie Twilight and it was actually really good. Lindsay and McKenna talked Jake into reading the books and he actually really liked them. We had a good time celebrating his birthday with him.
Last Sunday we were in the add-on room watching tv when Colton said he saw something poke its head out from under the couch. Perry lifts all of the couches and finds nothing. We return to our tv and pretty soon Colton says he saw a mouse run into the game closet. So Perry and Antonio go into the closet and start taking everything piled onto the floor out. Brittney goes towards them to look..she sees the mouse and start screaming at the top of her lungs (which if you know Britt is really, really loud) and running backwards so fast she falls over the coffee table. In the meantime Marcy, McKenna, Lindsay, Brooke and I are all standing on the couches screaming. I am yelling at Brooke to go get her dad so he can do something. Dave had gone to bed and was not happy to be woken up in the manner!! Thankfully we caught the mouse (our first and hopefully last) in five years. Britt ended up with a big bruise on the back of her leg!
Well, that is a little of what we have been doing in the last month. I will try to do better at posting and keeping everyone up to date.


Jensen Family said...

WOO HOO!!! I am so glad you updated!! I am laughing so hard and completely bummed I wasn't around for the mouse event. TOO FUNNY!! To be real honest I am surprised "Tippy" was helping look for it on not up on the couch himself! :)

~L said...

OMG...finally. What a treat to find out you finally posted. Just kidding...I know...five teenagers, etc, etc, etc,